Our Group's corporate governance is aligned with international best practices in sustainability.
We act in line with international guidelines to comply with local laws, promote our code of conduct and values throughout our supply chain, and integrate the ESG approach into our corporate governance for the generation of positive effects for the company's stakeholders.

Our Goals
Analysis of the potential implementation of the Tax Control Framework to other Group companies and the subsequent extension of the collaborative compliance regime to them
Launch of training initiatives on the Group Business Integrity Policy addressed to key external stakeholders (e.g. subcontractors)
20% ESG target in MBOs and LTIs by 2025
60% of BoD meetings that also deal with sustainability topics
We promote our code of conduct, integrate ESG principles into governance, benefit our stakeholders, follow international guidelines, and comply with local laws.
independent directors of 9 appointed directors
women on the board of directors
woman of three members of the board of statutory auditors
women on the 231 Supervisory Body
as part of the Group's business integrity
of board meetings where sustainability issues were addressed
of the professional skills possessed by the board members around sustainability
The Control Risk and Sustainability Committee is tasked among other things with assisting our Board of Directors in evaluating all risks that are relevant to the sustainability of the long-term activities of the Company and our Group.
The Internal Sustainability Committee, a strategic advisory body for our Chief Executive Officer, is tasked with assisting in the preparation of policies for the sustainable management of the business and of the related development programs, guidelines, and objectives including those on corporate giving, for monitoring their fulfillment, and for the analysis of interactions with stakeholders.
The Group Sustainability Function is responsible for implementing our Group’s sustainability strategy by engaging with internal and external stakeholders, planning and monitoring sustainability activities, managing corporate giving initiatives, and liaising with our operation sites. Together with the project teams and Regional Vice President, it also supports and coordinates the development of local social engagement plans to communicate our social responsibility initiatives externally.
The Sustainability Reporting function, which reports directly to our Chief Financial Officer, is responsible for preparing the Group’s Sustainability Report which contains the Non-Financial Statement required by Legislative Decree 254/2016 (NFS). It is also responsible for planning and monitoring sustainability activities, in collaboration with the Corporate functions involved.
The Green Acceleration Advisory Board, which is made up of leading representatives from Industry, Finance, and Academia and reports to the Chairman of the Board of Directors and our Chief Executive Officer, assists these bodies in developing their knowledge of the energy transition process and in consolidating our Group’s identity as a leading player in innovating the green chemistry sector.