Milan, 6 April 2023 – Following the termination on April 5, 2023 of the application of the increased voting rights for 50,000 shares and in view of the ordinary and extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of Maire Tecnimont S.p.A. (“MAIRE”) - convened, on first call, on 19 April 2023 and, if necessary, on 20 April 2023 on second call - in accordance with Article 85-bis, paragraph 4-bis of the Issuers Regulation adopted by Consob by resolution No. 11971 on May 14, 1999, the total amount of the voting rights, together with the number of shares of which the capital is composed, at the date referred to in Article 83-sexies, paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree no. 58/98 (the "record date"), i.e. as of today’s date, (April 6, 2023), is communicated below.
The Special List, updated in accordance with Article 6-quarter, paragraph 3 of the Company By-Laws, is available on the MAIRE website, in the “Governance” – “Corporate Repository” – “Increased Voting Rights” section.