In 2020 the world changed but our ability to perform to high standard has not, and we reached since end of 2019 up to now a remarkable safety milestone, more than 365 days without Lost Time Injuries – LTI free in the Group.
Despite all the difficulties faced over the last months, activities at our sites and offices have continued, ensuring both full production and the prevention of incidents for Clients, and this is thanks to the huge effort made by all of us.
More than 58 million man-hours were worked in the Maire Tecnimont Hydrocarbons Business Unit, which includes 25 construction sites across 8 time zones, from North America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Russia to South East Asia, with a global average on-site workforce of around 35 thousand people, including Maire Tecnimont’s construction teams and direct and indirect workers.
This achievement was made possible thanks to our Safethink mindset and commitment: on a daily basis we adopt the correct behaviors on construction sites and at all times during our activities, to ensure that we all consistently make the right choices.
Watch the video to learn how much this HSE attitude is truly embedded as a Maire Tecnimont core value.