• An event to go beyond the rhetoric on digitization and discuss the different experiences in an open debate;
• Maire Tecnimont launches its vision of digital transformation as a contractor of the future.
Milan, November 19th, 2019 - MaireTecnimont launches "BEYOND DIGITAL", an event aiming to go beyond the rhetoric on digitalization and discuss the various experiences in an open debate, overcoming stereotypes and expectations. The goal of the event is to create a new operational model that focuses on people's commitment and on strengthening transversal supply chain processes. The explosion of data availability, artificial intelligence, and the overcoming of physical and organizational boundaries are determining a real digital revolution on a large scale. Yet, almost 75% of investments to date have failed to meet the expectations of companies in terms of results achieved.*
Fabrizio Di Amato, Maire Tecnimont Chairman, commented: “For Maire Tecnimont, digitalization and energy transition are two great opportunities to be taken in a complementary way. As an entrepreneur I think that the success of this process can take place on its own through an approach to widespread entrepreneurship, in which we must all reinvent ourselves in the way we work." The experience of the Maire Tecnimont Group indicates that digital transformation requires a pragmatic approach to value creation through a vast portfolio of initiatives and the pervasive involvement of human resources.
"Our vision of digitalization involves a profound optimization of all our internal processes, but also the creation of an additional offer of digital services to our clients. We interpret digitalization not as "dreamers" but as "doers", i.e. with the pragmatic approach of the engineering contractor used to compete in the field with complexity”, commented Pierroberto Folgiero, Maire Tecnimont Group CEO.
The digital vision of Maire Tecnimont aims to strengthen even more effectively its role as a "digital orchestrator" of the over 6,000 companies in its supply chain, offering its clients new services, as well as allowing efficiency and productivity to be recovered in both the construction phase and in the operation of the plant. For example, the application of digital solutions to a petrochemical plant can generate an efficiency recovery estimated at between 4 and 7% of operating margin, thanks to a multiplicity of factors: artificial intelligence and the enormous availability of data make it possible today to recreate a "digital twin" of the plant , which allows for the continuous optimization of energy consumption and the various phases of the chemical process in real time. Moreover, applying the c.d. "Predictive maintenance" significantly reduces maintenance and plant operation costs; furthermore, the geo-location technologies allow the remote coordination of the activities in the field and the simulators for the personnel on site, and increase the safety profiles and accelerate the learning curve of the technicians with recoveries of productivity. Finally, the digital programming integrated between client, contractor and supplier allows to minimize the manufacturing delays of the components and optimizes the shipping and delivery on site. To succeed in obtaining these results it is fundamental that the role of general coordination is carried out by a contractor who knows how to combine engineering and technological skills. People and their engagement are the key to change, which is why the Group has asked for an active participation of its employees as "Digital Catalysts", namely accelerators of digital change.
Franco Ghiringhelli, Human Resources, ICT and Process Excellence SVP of the Maire Tecnimont Group, commented: "Digital transformation at Maire Tecnimont must be an opportunity for the professional growth of our 6,000 employees. We ask them to get involved, with greater entrepreneurial proactivity, through the enormous and increasingly accessible opportunities offered by technology. This will also be an opportunity to insert resources with profiles that are not typical of our sector, but which will help us interpret the transformation underway."
The event, organized in collaboration with Boston Consulting Group, saw the participation of: Raffaele Cattaneo, Environment Councillor, Regione Lombardia; Giovanni Malagò, President of Coni; Andrea Prencipe, Rector Luiss - Guido Carli; Luca Solari, professor at Università degli Studi di Milano; Alvise Biffi, delegate of Piccola Industria for startups and cybersecurity Confindustria; Luigi Lusuriello, ENI Chief Digital Officer; Marco Tonegutti and Francesco Guidara, BCG.
The event can be reviewed in streaming by connecting to the website https://www.mairetecnimont.com/beyond-digital
*Resources: BCG Henderson Institute; BCG analysis - More than 300 companies in different industries for more than 5 years.