Our Group was the guest of the third event of the webinar cycle "EPCs meet the supply chain" organized at ANIMP - National Association of Industrial Plant Engineering.
The webinar was presented by ANIMP's President AntonioCareddu and moderated by SupplHi's Director, GiacomoFranchini.
Managers of the Group took to the floor at the digital event, starting with PaoloMondo, Group Performance Improvement & Supply Chain Excellence VP, who illustrated our actions and support of PMI by introducing the Maire Tecnimont UP project.
RenatoDiLoreto, Head of Supply Market Management then presented the challenges that the supply chain must be able to manage.
The webinar was also an opportunity to present the Kingisepp2 project, currently being carried out in Russia, by Project Director MarcoFoletti and the Project Procurement Manager AlessioGerosa, as well as a final analysis on the Group's financing capabilities by AlbertoPelizza, Deputy Group Finance Director.