Milan, 18 October 2018 – A new agreement to promote training in the large interdisciplinary areas of the design and construction of large industrial plants, supporting the growth of one of Italy's excellences, industrial chemical engineering.
The agreement signed between Maire Tecnimont Group and the Politecnico di Milano is, in fact, another step of an on-going collaboration and is aimed to strengthen teaching activities in the process engineering of chemical plants, as well as in project management and project control for industrial plant engineering.
According to the terms of the agreement, Maire Tecnimont will finance a new course in the discipline of Chemical Processes in Industrial Plants and contributing with seminars held by managers.
At the same time, the Group's offices will host project works for students and seminar activities for teachers, with the common objective of creating a training program in line with the requests for competencies emerging from the industrial world. The activities are already underway and have attracted a great deal of interest from the students, resulting in full enrollment.