The fourth issue of EVOLVE, the magazine on strategies and business culture published by the Maire Tecnimont Group, has come out. After covering the Ten-year anniversary on the Stock Exchange List, The Change (Be Adaptive), The Digital Innovation and The Green Acceleration, this last issue of EVOLVE focuses on the theme of ‘big and small decisions that matter,’ and how these make the difference in a company like Maire Tecnimont.
EVOLVE features articles by various experts, both internal and external to the Maire Tecnimont Group. Professor Andrea Prencipe, Rector of Luiss, wrote about the relationship between human and digital capital and proposed ways not to neglect humanistic skills. "In order to make human and digital capital interact,” explained Prencipe, “new codes of interpretation, skills and methods are required. Individuals capable of managing such challenges will have in-depth skills in the technical fields, as well as, also, the ability to deal with the humanities."
In the article, “A Decision that Brings Value,” the Group CEO Pierroberto Folgiero supported the importance of spreading a culture of accountability to help people express their effective contribution. "In companies led by technical skills, where the model is historically hierarchical, a third millennium manager must be able to manage organizational processes in a logic that is no longer vertical but horizontal. Otherwise things get complicated and everything slows down."
In the same article, Chairman Fabrizio Di Amato retraced the period of the acquisition of Stamicarbon. He shed light on the importance of this decision and how it brought enormous value to Maire Tecnimont. He said, "If I look back, I can say that this choice has enabled Maire Tecnimont to become a world leader in urea production technology, as well as among the key players of the fertilizer sector."
The evocative cover story about the transportation of a steel tower long over 50 meters from Italy to Siberia is a must read in this issue. This piece breaks down all the fundamental micro-decisions that were taken to ensure maximum reliability and operation success. Enrico Rolandelli, Tecnimont Engineering & Projects VP, explained that it was the responsibility and leadership gained, together with a framework of costs adequate to the aims, that led to the results: "The steel column arrived on time to the Jamal peninsula, right between the spring thaw and river high. Then it went straight on the Omsk refinery.”
EVOLVE also covered the Middle East, and highlighted the effective work done in Oman, where project managers chose to communicate directly with all stakeholders, without any intermediaries, from the beginning: "This approach was very much appreciated by the local institutions, construction companies and suppliers" said Marco Crivelli, Tecnimont Project Director.
A final tip to readers: start from the first pages of the magazine to embark on a journey on the topics of leadership. International experts confirm that great success comes from the work of great teams where mutual support and motivation exist. Why - the authors of texts such as "Servant Leadership" and "Extreme Teams" ask – do cutting-edge companies like Netflix, Pixar, and Airbnb thrive where others fail? Is it possible to be both leader and servant at the same time?
You can read ithere.
Enjoy reading and… make good decisions!