The Maire Tecnimont Group’s green acceleration effort has been named NextChem, reflecting their intention of making an innovative contribution to the future of chemistry. In line with the themes of the last few issues of EVOLVE, where Digital Transformation was highlighted as a fundamental pilaster of the company ‘turnaround’, in this issue we have concentrated on the New Golden Age of Chemistry.
Building on the thoughts of Gunter Pauli, the economist who elaborated the Blue Economy theory, and Guido Saracco, the Rector of the Politecnico di Torino who made significant progress in the development of the concepts of Green Chemistry 2.0, we have given rise to Green Acceleration, both as an economic model for the energy transition and as a veritable portfolio of innovative technology. Today, with a growth rate that exceeds 15%, it serves a sector with a business volume of roughly 40 billion dollars (USD) a year.
In the opening editorial, Pierroberto Folgiero, Maire Tecnimont Group CEO and Giovanni Sale, Group Corporate Strategy Senior Vice President, have outlined the evolution of chemistry in the third millenium, particularly as regards the responsible use of plastic and the closely related theme of circular economy. In another article within the issue, Giovanni Sale, also the current Vice President of the Americas Region, has illustrated the strategies of the Maire Tecnimont Group’s branch in the United States, speaking in detail about start-up technology investments, leadership in the sector of fertilizers and agreements that have been made with global players such as Exxon.
The heart of this issue is the special piece dedicated to “Green Chemistry”, featuring CEO Folgiero who devised the new economic model of the Group. “We do not want to find ourselves unprepared for a world that is moving towards decarbonization. It is the right time to take the field, putting our background of experience and skills to good use in the arena of technology and plant construction. Our idea of innovation foresees the development, industrialization and commercialization of new solutions deriving from technologies which support a circular economy, bio-plastics made from renewable sources and the reduction of the carbon footprint.”
From the perspective of the slogan “Take the Challenge!”, we are invited to cultivate a passion for the achievements and challenges found on the open sea!