A reportage exploring the beauty and harmony hidden in history's most iconic mathematical and physical laws. From Pythagoras's triangles to Gauss's curve, each formula chronicles the balance between chaos and order, between finite and infinite, revealing how simplicity is often the language of the universe.

FORMULA OF LOGARITHMS John Napier turns complexity into simplicity in 1610 with a formula that results in sum products. With this insight, mathematical calculations rose to a new level of precision. A mathematical elegance that reminds us how, through synthesis, true clarity is often found.

From a simple rule, Fibonacci (1202) discovers the order that
governs chaos. From the petals of a flower to distant galaxies,
this sequence is a golden thread that unites mathematics and
nature, a universal language that tells of the beauty of the world.

EULER'S FORMULA A simple, yet total formula: in one embrace it unites the pillars of mathematics, from unity to pi, from infinity to sum. It is proof that beauty comes from simplicity, encapsulated in the sign of an equation that resonates like a timeless echo.

In the elegant interweaving of electricity and magnetism, Maxwell (1865) finds
a harmony that resonates beyond the ages. His equations, precise and universal,
show us that everything in nature is connected, two faces of one phenomenon.
Science becomes poetry.

LAW OF UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION With an apple and a formula, Newton (1687) demolishes centuries of belief, paving the way for our understanding of the universe. Gravity was no longer mystery or myth, but natural order. A law that lifts the eye and illuminates the stars.

In the Gauss (1809) bell curve, the unpredictability of chance finds order and
measure. Complex phenomena, from the motion of the stars to strokes of luck,
bend to this universal law. It is the bridge between chaos and harmony, a model that reveals how reality always tends to converge toward an equilibrium,
encapsulated in the simplicity of a perfect form.

THE EINSTEIN EQUATION In a handful of symbols, Einstein (1905) turns mass into energy, matter into light. It is a formula that contains the essence of the universe and the promise of future discoveries, a bridge between the visible and invisible.

Euler (1700) gives a name to the impossible: the imaginary number.
What seemed unattainable becomes essential to modern
mathematics. A paradox that teaches how even the boldest
abstraction has a place in what is real.

In the golden mean lies the secret of
harmony: a relationship that recurs
in nature, in art, in the universe. It is
the dance between the whole and
the part, between what is finite and
infinite. A divine sign that reflects the
idea of eternal beauty.