MAIRE is a privileged vantage point for understanding the momentous changes that are taking place over recent years in our economies and societies. Our engineers, knowing the “magic” of chemical combination, work, day in day out, to test which new “technological formulas” will be able to best achieve the lofty goal of having clean energy and sustainable solutions for the needs of communities around the world, from agriculture to transportation (all transport! Land, air, sea) to the advanced materials that are used with countless applications for everyday life.

This daily dedication to technologies for decarbonization stems from the Group's ambitious strategic plan, which has dared to look ten years ahead, aligning the company with the realistic horizon of the transition, proposing, among other things, to increase its assets in technology. With tangible results: the pace of company acquisitions is intense, Conser in Rome and MyRemono in Abruzzo in 2023, and in this first part of 2024, HyDEP in Lodi and GasConTec in the heart of Hesse, Germany, with a fully European perspective, where great Italian innovation in green chemistry joins with the most advanced German chemical tradition. Our engineering expertise and execution capabilities have also been made stronger with the acquisition of APS in Rome and KTI Poland in central Poland.

The ability to combine the skills of both technology and implementation – the latter of which has been gained worldwide over many decades through the engineering and construction of plants producing polymers, fuels, fertilizers, intermediates and chemicals, etc. – gives MAIRE insight into the complexities of the transition, from laboratory invention, to pilot, to industrial-sized plant. A transition that is by no means trivial and by no means linear. We feel a great responsibility to help put this new generation of “low-impact plant engineering” into effect, in which the “environmental cost” and the “economic cost” are both sustainable. There is little time, we need to accelerate this colossal transformation that is taking place in all industries, reshaping entire sectors and production chains, forcing the pace: the urgency of climate change will not wait. The challenge is right in front of us. Today – in Western countries and beyond – the environmental emergency has entered the agenda of governments, companies and citizens as a priority. Yet for so many countries emerging from poverty, the goal of increasing people's quality of life is still prevalent. Being present with our professionals in different areas of the world, we are able to discern the different speeds that the ecological transition is taking. Our ambition is to industrialize innovations that ensure socio-economic growth that is not at the expense of the system's natural capital.

But we can go one step further. Industry has always considered itself the bearer of job creation, skills growth, and thus economic and social prosperity: an active contributor to the economic capital and social capital of an area. Over the past three decades, on the push of institutional and social movements, sometimes compelled by regulations, it has gradually realized that its tasks include the protection of natural capital, and it is transforming its processes to this end. A less obvious, more underlying approach had at times, long ago, comprehended an additional dimension, what we might call “aesthetic-spiritual” capital, that is, the role that business can play as an active contributor to the cultural and creative world. It only seems to be a paradox how the industrial world, which produces technical vocabulary and languages, a vast array of words that tell the inner workings of processes and operations unknown outside of engineering, has been able to communicate the beauty of its numbers, measurements, and calculations, seeking a connection with other forms of art and beauty. And not only because industrial landscapes and industrial magazines have been and still are the “backdrop” and “containers” in which writers, poets, painters, and filmmakers have set their stories. We might recall the years when the young Ermanno Olmi was shooting his documentaries on Edison power plants, or when ENI's house organ, Il Gatto Selvatico, was entrusted to the poet Attilio Bertolucci and opened to big names in poetry and literature, or again when the first issues of Finmeccanica's magazine “Civiltà delle macchine” were being published, edited by the “engineer poet” Leonardo Sinisgalli.

Many of those pioneering insights are being rediscovered in recent years, becoming relevant once again. We at MAIRE are aware that we are active contributors to change and proud of our role as humanist engineers committed to accelerating the energy transition. We have begun to work on our spiritual capital – particularly through the instrument of the Foundation – by recovering objects and projects in our archives and memory. We studied the need to prepare skills for the energy transition with international research presented at the last COP28 climate summit. We conveyed our passion for the humanist engineer to many young people in schools and universities. We asked our people to write short stories for a literary contest in memory of a colleague who remains in the hearts of so many of us. Special mention should be made of the EvolveArt contest, which involved some hundreds of students from fifty art high schools throughout Italy, making the covers of this EVOLVE magazine available for their works: a concrete way of giving space and support to the building of creative capital. This issue inaugurates the series of winning works on the cover.

In these pages, in addition to the “MAIRE chronicles” on the company's developments in meeting the challenge of ecological transition, you will find some insights from these projects. Others are on the horizon, in the fields of photography and contemporary art.

In many of our activities in recent years, we have increased our attention to young people, their educational paths, and their plans for the future. This attention, urged first and foremost by our entrepreneur, is not only about welcoming new generations of colleagues who, with their intellectual energy, will be instrumental in sustaining the group's growth and its own productive capacity in the face of the wave of investment we see coming. The push toward young people is something more than that: the idea of a company that wants its DNA to remain young at its core, that is, open to the new, to the future, to the possibility of dreams coming true, even along unusual paths, crossing the rigid divisions of the knowledge of the past.

To strengthen our identity, we have studied how our very name can be a treasure chest of key-values in which to recognize ourselves. In the following pages, you will discover how the renewal of our mottos reflects a profound evolution that goes beyond a simple linguistic update, seeking synthesis, to succeed in distilling our true way of being and working. This issue is dedicated to the first one, “Make an Impact”: it is our purpose, to leave a positive mark with our intelligence and creativity, promoters of economic, social, natural, ... but also “aesthetic-spiritual” capital!

With the new Mottos, the philosophy «Make to Inspire» has been strengthened to generate an inspiring work environment where individual contributions can foster overall well-being.

In the previous issue of EVOLVE, we began by discussing the rebranding of MAIRE, an endeavor undertaken with the knowledge that we were operating in a complex ecosystem influenced by environmental, political, economic and social factors, whose narrative needed to be aligned with new industrial strategies and focus on the energy transition.

In a market where companies need to go beyond simply describing “what” they do and “how” they do it – focusing rather on “why” they act – we see how MAIRE's new purpose – We want a future in which humanity, industry, and the planet can thrive together – reflects its steadfast commitment to sustainability and a less institutional and more empathetic approach, both in its language and methods of communication.

Actions that “inspire”

In this wave of renewal, the “rethinking” of MAIRE's Mottos could not be left undone. With the new payoff “MAKE to INSPIRE,” the transformation encompasses a substantial reorientation of corporate priorities. “Our new payoff,” Ida Arjomand, MAIRE Chief Marketing Officer points out, “not only emphasizes our ability to take action, innovate and generate sustainable solutions, but also marks our contribution to inspiring the industry to embrace this transformation. This evolution not only aims to support MAIRE's growth, but also aspires to positively influence day-to-day strategic decisions, creating a virtuous cycle of inspiration and implementation.

The choice of the payoff “Make to Inspire,” a play on words that merges the beginning of “MAke” and the end of “inspIRE,” reflects the MAIRE name and rewrites the corporate narrative to effectively engage diverse audiences, including our internal resources. «It is vital that the narrative engages our employees, » the Marketing Manager continues, «as they represent the beating heart of a Group in the “people business” that wants to celebrate its people and attract new talent, showing MAIRE to be a place where it is possible to make a difference. » Indeed, with «MAKE TO INSPIRE », the company is calling for a stimulating work environment where individual contributions can foster overall well-being and promote growth and development. It was only natural for the evolution of Mottos to be linked to our brand, which so strongly represents us: MAIRE.

5 Mottos, one brand, one shared culture

In choosing a homogeneous format, articulated with a combination of [verb] + [noun] or [adjective], the new mottos better reflect MAIRE's dynamism and aspirations in today's global context, with a new visual identity and revised wording that reflects its commitment to innovation and sustainability. «More than just slogans, MAIRE's mottos are essential in guiding the daily work of every individual within the organization: they function as true pillars of the corporate culture and our core values. The goal is for every team member to feel part of this transformative journey, understanding the vital role that mottos play in the day-to-day and long-term strategic direction, » continues Ida Arjomand.

A multi-level process

The changes made to MAIRE's mottos involved the whole group, with great contribution from all of the international offices: «We gathered feedback from all corners of the world to make sure the messages were effective and consistent across different corporate cultures». This collaborative effort was highlighted by launch events in key cities such as Milan, Mumbai, and Rome, demonstrating the effectiveness of the new approach across regions.

The process of revising MAIRE's Mottos was coordinated by a team composed of Franco Ghiringhelli, Carlo Nicolais, Sara Frassine, Max Panaro, Ida Arjomand, and Massimo Dapoto representing the corporate functions of HR and Communications and approved by MAIRE's CEO and Chairman. Drawing upon their experience and listening skills, the team used a process that took the Group's new positioning and rebranding into account.

The circulation of the new mottos was also supported by a wide range of branding materials, including animated videos and graphics distributed through the global corporate network. “We created a suite of communication tools to keep the mottos consistently present in workplaces and daily communications, reinforcing their role as inspirational guides and keeping our brand awareness and the connection between employees and the corporate mission high.”

«Along with the ICT team, » Arjomand concludes, «we are moving toward a model in which our mottos also serve as “nourishment” for our artificial intelligence tools, so that we are always pointing toward those simple and powerful 5 pillars. »


It is not just encouragement that makes a difference, but also a call to action to live and work in ways that reflect our highest values and aspirations, actively contributing to building a better future for ourselves and future generations.

From a simple statement, «Make an Impact» comes a powerful and motivating guide intended to inspire individuals, organizations and communities to take actions that generate meaningful and positive change. The idea is for each person to consider the importance of their daily actions and their ability to leave a lasting mark, both personally and collectively.

In MAIRE, adopting the motto «Make an Impact» means committing to producing tangible and influential effects, promoting personal growth and improvement. It is a call to leave a lasting impression through decisions, actions and results that not only foster one's own development, but also uplift and improve the surrounding community. This can translate into developing new skills, increasing one's education or cultivating habits that contribute to individual and overall success.

But what does it mean, in practical terms, to «have an impact»? Having an impact implies exerting a significant influence on people, processes or environments. Triggering positive change, promoting innovations or improving existing conditions in visible and measurable ways can be intentional or result as a side effect of our actions. It may be large or small, immediate or long-term, but it is always defined by its obvious relevance and consequence.

To effectively apply the motto «Make an Impact» in personal and professional life, it is essential to set clear goals and define the specific actions that can lead to concrete results. This process begins with defining what you want to influence or improve and proceeds with identifying the strategies and resources needed to realize that vision. Measuring impact also requires establishing indicators of success so that the effectiveness of the actions taken can be evaluated.

The impacts generated by MAIRE

Within this issue of EVOLVE, in the article beginning on page 10, it is CEO Alessandro Bernini who repeatedly highlights the perfect alignment between the motto «Make an Impact» and MAIRE's strategic actions. «The success of the company's strategies has paved the way for significant growth in financial indicators and a 40% increase in revenues of the Sustainable Technology Solutions business unit. The Group is experiencing acceleration that exceeds 2023 expectations, » Bernini said during Capital Markets Day 2024.

This success is not accidental but the result of a clear and well-defined approach toward sustainability and energy efficiency, consistent with the motto “Make an Impact”. With this in mind, Bernini highlighted how MAIRE is leading the decarbonization of the energy industry, enhancing the Group's technological excellence and ability to build large plants.

The integration of sustainability and technological development can be seen in the activities of NEXTCHEM, which has seen a robust increase in its order book. «Decarbonization and circular economy are at the heart of our strategies, » Bernini added, emphasizing how development, collaboration, and acquisition are the pillars through which MAIRE intends to continue in its mission to reduce environmental impact.

As a further example of “Make an Impact,” Bernini cited MAIRE's commitment to sustainability, which was further strengthened by the issuance of a €200 million Sustainability-Linked Bond in September 2023, raising the level of sustainable financing within the group to 37%. Bernini concluded by highlighting a 20% increase in engineering work hours from 2022, a sign of the Group's ongoing commitment to innovation and efficiency. In fact, generating impact means adopting advanced technologies and sustainable practices to transform not only its own business but the industry globally.


We’re here to generate an impact. We have
to be aware of the result we want, focus on it, and let it inspire us to overcome any challenge.

It is just as important to generate a positive and meaningful impact through one's actions as it is to have a clear goal and keep it as a point of reference by finding in it inspiration, motivation and determination to overcome any challenge one may encounter along the way. MAIRE is acting according to this goal: to generate change that is meaningful and impactful.


Let simplicity be our strategy. Let's embrace it, make the most of simplifying decisions and collaborate accomplish goals.

In an entity as large as MAIRE, it is essential to encourage simplicity as the main strategy with the purpose of reducing complexity and making faster, more efficient and effective decisions, procedures and actions. This is precisely why it is necessary to operate through collaboration and teamwork, in order to deliver better solutions and successfully achieve goals.


Innovation is in everything we do. We improve as we learn, and we engage others to keep that mindset.

Innovation is an essential part of MAIRE's approach: it is the pillar that must drive decisions, activities and goals, just as it drives the reality of the Group. It is an ever-evolving aspect that must constantly progress and develop through experience and the acquisition of new knowledge. This is precisely why innovation also passes through the active involvement of other people to maintain and foster a culture based on the sharing of ideas aimed at progress.


Inclusion as a way of being. Integration as a way of doing. We act together as an evolving ecosystem, creating value and sustainable results.

Diversity and openness are an integral part
of MAIRE's identity. Therefore, inclusion and integration are fundamental aspects of its culture and approach. It is therefore essential to operate as if in an ever-evolving ecosystem: through collaboration and interdependence among the people involved. The goal of this collaboration is to create long-term value and achieve sustainable and meaningful results.


Everyone makes MAIRE the place to be. We maintain a positive attitude, take care of each other, and enjoy everything that makes us unique.

MAIRE is made up of people, and each person contributes to making MAIRE an extraordinary place. It is necessary for everyone to do
their part in fostering positivity, solidarity, appreciation of each member's unique characteristics along with respect and care for others, helping to create an exceptional environment in which to work.