It is essential to conduct business in full compliance with the law, regulations, statutory provisions, as well as the principles of integrity and fairness. Maire has established these values and principles in the Group’s Code of Ethics, the Business Integrity Policy, the Organization, Management and Control Model ex L.D. n. 231/2001 ("Model 231") and in its own standards and procedures. The Group Code of Ethics and Model 231 define a set of rules and principles of conduct and control that must be adopted and implemented to prevent the risk of commission of crimes that could lead to the company administrative liability. The Business Integrity Policy is an integral part of the measures implemented by the Maire Group to counter and prevent any corrupt practices, in accordance with the principle of "zero tolerance" against corruption and compliance with the laws and anti-corruption regulations applicable from time to time. These documents provide control principles and guidelines aimed at preventing illegal conduct and maintaining high ethical standards.
According to the Code of Ethics, Model 231 and the Business Integrity Policy, the Maire Group has adopted an IT platform that allows to manage the reports, also anonymous, received by Maire Tecnimont S.p.A. and its subsidiaries in Italy and abroad. Reports may be submitted through:
- the dedicated platform (CLICK HERE).
This channel shall be deemed to be preferential and capable of ensuring, by computer means, the confidentiality of the identity of the whistleblower; or - ordinary mailbox, writing to Group Corporate Affairs, Governance & Compliance Maire Tecnimont S.p.A., Via Gaetano De Castillia 6/A, 20124, Milan (Italy).
Last update: 22/02/2023 16:31